Strategic Initiatives
San Antonio College is dedicated to empowering our community for success by meeting postsecondary learning needs of all students through equitable educational practices for all populations in a globally networked society. Our mission is to help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills and a family-sustaining wage through action-oriented and measurable goals that will advance our students socially and academically.
Unlocking Opportunity
Unlocking Opportunity (UO) is a research and action group with one overarching goal: thousands more community college students – including students of color and low-income students- entering and completing programs that have high post-completion value in that they enable graduates to secure jobs that pay family-sustaining wages or to transfer efficiently to a bachelor’s degree program in the in the student’s major field on interest. The network will run from 2023-2028. Throughout the process, we will focus on strengthening and rethinking existing programs and developing new program models that expand career and educational opportunity for all students.
- Our five broad strategies include:
- Set a Family-Sustaining Wage Standard and Access Programs Against It.
- Setting Goals for Changing Program-Level Enrollments and Outcomes.
- Strengthen the Program Portfolio and Partnerships to Increase Post-Graduation Success.
- Align Advising to Greater and More Equitable Completion of High-Value Programs.
- Institutionalize Reforms.
To achieve these results we will conduct a series of round tables in 2024 with students, community and business leaders to shape how to provide access, momentum, and mobility for this project. Working closely with you and your group, we can help develop creative solutions based on data, exploration and analysis, consensus building and action planning.
- Session I: TBD
If you are interested in participating in the round table discussion please contact: Victoria Moe, Director of Strategic Initiatives, at or (210) 486-0964.
Community Vibrancy: College Access & Partnership Opportunities
Through the Achieving the Dream network, San Antonio College alongside our partner colleges, will participate in a yearlong project to address systemic inequities at both the institutional and community levels to create more economically vibrant communities. This begins with understanding local communities in new ways, improving access to connect and reconnect populations, and tracking the right institutional metrics to ensure progress and success for all student groups. The long term goal of this project will pave the way for our students and communities to flourish and thrive economically.
Project results include:
- Enhanced understanding about the importance of workforce outcomes and economic/social mobility.
- Enhanced knowledge about the impact and importance for creating equitable and economically vibrant communities.
- Increased use of next generation metrics to inform planning and strategic action.
- A suite of useful tools and resources for all Achieving the Dream (ATD) Network colleges.
San Antonio College is committed to developing strong partnerships with our community to promote equity, upward social mobility, and life-long learning. We are always looking to our community to help create solutions for our future and current workforce needs.
- Contact Us – Learn more about our current initiatives or request a planning conversation at (210) 486-0964.